Designing and delivering world-class automobiles parts and components, such as Bajaj Compact Clutch Cable, Bajaj Compact Gear Cable, Mahindra Alfa Brake Shoe, Atul Gemini Rear Axle, Atul Gemini Front Wheel Drum, etc.
Backed by nearly two and half decades of industry experience, Anant Sales Corporation has become a leading manufacturer and supplier of automobile components and parts for diverse automobile companies. Some of the remarkable products we design and manufacture include Atul Gemini Rear Axle, Atul Gemini Front Wheel Drum, Bajaj Compact Gear Cable, Bajaj Compact Clutch Cable, and Mahindra Alfa Brake Shoe. Our rich industry experience, in-depth technical knowledge, business acumen, and continuous adaptation to emerging technology have combined to make us a formidable market player.